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Abrar Jawad Habib | Senator

Office Hours: TBD


Duties: Work towards enhancing the overall student experience, Represent the interests and concerns of the student body, advocate for positive change and improvements on campus. Hold one office hour a week, and contribute to the Finance and Campus activities committee.

Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Major: Business Administration

Clubs/Interests: SGA, Business Club, International Club, PTK, Peer Tutor Program, NABA, Soccer Varsity, Intramural Sports, Unified Sports, Entrepreneurship

Fun Fact: I had my first taste of business at the age of 15, when I was selling refurbished sports equipment at school!

Why I joined SGA: I decided to become a senator because I have a strong passion for making a difference on campus. As a Business Administration major from Bangladesh, I believe that every student's voice should be heard, and I want to be the advocate for their concerns and ideas. I aspire to be a leader on campus, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among students. Together, we can work towards creating a more vibrant and inclusive campus community that benefits everyone. With our cohesive teamwork, we can definitely create a shared cultural identity at MassBay where students would feel proud of themselves and reach close to their ambitions.