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Advising, Coaching and Transfer Center (ACT)

Welcome to the Academic Advising, Coaching and Transfer Center!

We look forward to assisting you. MassBay offers free one-on-one academic advising and services to all enrolled students. Click the expandable menus below for our on-campus and Virtual Advising Center hours.

Our Mission

The Advising Center staff are committed to assisting all students in the development of meaningful academic plans that are compatible with their academic, career, and life goals. The Center staff guide students from their first contact with the College through graduation and beyond. We introduce incoming students to the opportunities and resources of the College, inform all students of academic program requirements, assist with the selection of a majorand counsel students regarding transfer opportunities. We strive to help students make the most of their MassBay experience!

New Students are assigned an advisor/coach after completing:

We recommend that all students complete a FAFSA to qualify for financial aid, including Free Community College. Your assigned advisor will email your MassBay email regarding next steps.

Returning Students should connect with their assigned advisor, review any holds on thier account in BayNavigator, and register online, connecting with us on-campus or in the Virtual Advising Center for further assistance.

Advising | Student How-to


How to Connect with Your Advisor

Q: How do I connect with my advisor?

A: Your advisor assignment can be found on the home page of your Bay Navigator account. Please reach out to your assigned academic advisor and schedule an appointment to meet. Your assigned advisor has likely already reached out to you — please check your MassBay email!

Q: What if I don't have an advisor assigned to me?

A: If you are a non-degree seeking student and would like to meet with an advisor, please visit the Advising Center for a drop-in meeting. If you are a degree or certificate seeking student and you do not have an advisor assignment on the home page of your Bay Navigatoer account, please email to be assigned an advisor. 

Directory of Advisors

Contact Advising →

Working with an academic advisor throughout your academic journey at the college is key to your success as a student!

How to Access Drop-in Advising (In-person Visits)

New Students Must Attend Orientation (SOAR) before selecting classes and receiving an assigned advisor. Students with assigned advisors should schedule an in-person or virutal appointment with their assigned advisor directly. Please see above for how to contact your advisor. We provide daily scheduled drop-in hours on the Wellesley Hills Campus in the Academic Advising, Transfer, and Coaching Commons (Wellesley Hills Campus, Room 111), and in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). 

Schedule as of September 10th:

* Please note, new and returning students will experience longer wait times.
* Please review your To-Do list in BayNavigator before accessing advising.
* Students with required tasks or holds on their account may be referred to other offices before accessing advising.

Wellesley Drop-In Hours:

  • Mondays: 9:30am until 5:00pm
  • Tuesdays: 9:30am until 5:00pm
  • Wednesdays: 9:30am until 5:00pm
  • Thursdays: 9:30am until 5:00pm
  • Fridays: 9:30am until 5:00pm

How to Access Virtual Advising Center (virtual visits with an advisor on video conferencing)

New Students Must Attend Orientation (SOAR) before selecting classes and receiving an assigned advisor. Students with assigned advisors should schedule an in-person or virutal appointment with their assigned advisor directly. Please see above for how to contact your advisor.

The Virtual Advising Center (VAC) is an online meeting room for students to meet with an advisor one-on-one. When you join the VAC you will be greeted by a host who will connect you with an available advisor.

VAC Schedule as of September 10th:

* Please note, new and returning students will experience longer wait times.
* Please review your To-Do list in BayNavigator before accessing advising.

VAC Drop-In Hours

  • Mondays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Tuesdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Wednesdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Thursdays: 10:00am until 2:00pm
  • Fridays: 10:00am until 2:00pm


To access the VAC: Click on the green button below during the hours of operation listed above (you must be logged into the center 30 minutes before closing). You will first enter a waiting room, and then when the next advisor is available you will join their breakout room. As we strive to meet the needs of all of our students, please prepare for the fact that that there may be a short wait time. Please have your MassBay student ID number ready.


Please review your BayNavigator Account to review any holds regarding registration.

Access Virtual Advising CENTER Here →

Note: To receive the best possible advising experience, we recommend using the link directly above this text. We do not require that you have your camera on.

If these hours do not work for you:

Please email with your name and your MassBay student ID number, and we will be in touch about next steps.

How to Add and Drop Classes | Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials from MassBay I.T. →

These videos are short and up-to-date and cover the following topics and more!
How to Log In to Your Bay Navigator Account
How to View Your Class Schedule
How to Search for Classes
How to Add a Class
How to Drop a Class


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